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Does the influence of 1ml of insulin speed the rate of growth of a Helianthus annuus measured in cm every two day’s?

Internal Assesment

The purpose of this experiment is to see if the presence of insulin influences, and speeds up the growth of fat-based plants.

Paper 2 Mock Exam


This exam tests our knowledge from the past 2 years and our skills to use that previously acquired knowledge.

Internal Assesment


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Does the distance travelled by the pigments vary depending on the source of the pigment? The purpose of this experiment is to see if the distance traveled by the pigment of certain vegetables has any correlation with which vegetable the pigment comes from.



In the chromatography lab, I learned numerous things but for me, this assignment besides being about biology was about teamwork. We had to do a Lab report based on an experiment we had done in groups of three people and depended on the results of the other teams to complete the report and get to a conclusion. Through the Ib learner profile, I used the "caring" profile as my team was empathetic to the teams and how progressed they were on the report or what we needed to get done so that the other teams could complete their report. I also enjoyed this project as it was done with two of my closest friends and it gave me a greater understanding of what's needed in a lab report. 

Paper 2 Mock

In the paper 2 mock exams, I was extremely anxious about what my performance would be like, as I get very nervous with word problems and with data and analysis questions. The Ib learner profile I used would be the "Thinker" profile. This is due to the fact that I used critical and creative thinking to analyze the problem that was placed in front of me and to solve it or try to solve it I needed those skills. My score wasn't as high as I would've liked, however, I'm still very proud that I was able to answer questions that at the beginning of the year I thought to be impossible, so it was very gratifying got see that improvement in my thinking skills. 

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